Intercultural Creative Cafe

Creative-Café is a intercaltural creative space for young adults 18 – 27 years old, who are intressted in art. Young people with or without immigration history and with or without any kind of disabilities are wellcome to join us and use the opportunity to learn art techniques, exchange ideas and get professional support from our art therapist and art educator.
At IKC or Intercultural creative-café we meet each other weekly on Wedensdays between 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. and we paint, sometimes we do team work and sometimes it is just about expression of feelings and thoughts on the paper. We visit art exhibitions and intresting museums. The beautiful artworks of our participants will be exhibited twice a year as well.
It doesn´t matter if you don´t speak fluent German or if you never drew in your life, IKC is all about having fun, expressing feelings and learning by doing.

As Picaso says: art washes away the dust of everyday from the soul. So that´s we are doing every Wedensday, letting art brings us peace of mind and soul.
It is completely free and you just need to send us and email to book your place.

For any further questions we are always there for you.